Sunday, February 11, 2007

Welcome Robert

Apparently we have a new member of our family. His name is Robert Gordon, and he was adopted from the Imaginary Friend Orphanage by our daughter. He is the exact same age as M. (they have the same birthday), he is missing the same teeth, has the same loose tooth and even has a splinter in his heel in the same spot as she does. According to her, they are "identical twins."

We have to apologize to him frequently because we keep stepping on him, sitting on him and bumping into him. Thankfully, he is very quiet and very forgiving.

She has always had a vivid imagination and has never required the actual presence of people to interact with them. However, this is the first time that we have given a name to someone and had him move in with us.

I would post a picture of him, but I can't seem to get him to stay in one place long enough to capture him on camera. Apparently though, he has "the exact same color everything" as M. Makes sense, seeing as how they are identical twins.

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