Saturday, August 4, 2007

Chasing Rabbits

Understandably, on the night Little H was born, hubby was really tired. In fact, he told me the next day that it was the best night's sleep he'd had in weeks because he wasn't constantly on edge thinking I was going to go into labor every time I moved (which was a lot). Probably because of this sound and restful sleep, he provided me with the material for the funniest story from the birth of our fourth child.

The baby was not brought to us from the nursery until about midnight. As I said, B was really tired, so he was already asleep on his little cot. I decided to let him sleep a little so that I could have the baby all to myself for a while. After about an hour, I realized that I was pretty tired, and the baby was sleeping that deep sleep that they always sleep until you get them home from the hospital. I decided that I would send him back to the nursery. I wanted to place him in his little bassinett, but I really didn't feel like standing up to put him in it, so I called out to Brian and he answered me with a mumble. I asked him if he would come put the baby in the bassinet so I could call the nurse to come get him. And my loving husband, who NEVER talks in his sleep, replied VERY LOUDLY AND CLEARLY (and sounding not just a little annoyed):

"Tell him it's fine to play with the bunnies as long as he puts them back where he found them."

Ummmm...Ok. Well, clearly he was not going to be much help. Gee, you'd think HE was the one who'd had the baby and all the good drugs. I called the nurse and asked her if she could come help me with the baby. She came right away, and I told her what my still sleeping husband had said in response to my plea for help. We had a good laugh and she proceeded to tell all the OTHER nurses about it so that for the next two days every time a new nurse came in the room she asked him if he'd seen any bunnies running around lately. He was a very good sport about it and has even reminded me several times to blog about it. It will definitely be a family funny for all times.

And even though he wasn't all that helpful (to say the least) that night in the hospital, truly no husband and father could have been any more wonderful ever since.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

You will certainly be glad you documented this for posterity! Poor guy. He was really worn out!