Thursday, December 27, 2007
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Chasing Rabbits
And even though he wasn't all that helpful (to say the least) that night in the hospital, truly no husband and father could have been any more wonderful ever since.
Little H's "Birthday"
Big sis and Grandparents came to visit when he was only about an hour and a half old. M sang to him (Castle on a Cloud) and he was wide eyed and as intent on her as could be. It was so precious to see. He still loves her just as much. He is her baby all the way:
It was as sweet a day as could be, truly sweeter and relished because I knew it would be the last time for us. I have to admit that while I do NOT love being pregnant, I really do love giving birth. It is an incredible thing, and I am a little sad to think I won't be doing it ever again. Still, I know I am fortunate to have been able to experience it 4 times.
We ended our day with dinner from Krystal. Very unglamorous, but there was nothing else open because it was almost midnight by then. It was fabulous--especially since we hadn't eaten in 24 hours.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
He's here...and eating, eating, eating....
Yes, he's here. Baby boy arrived June 1 at 7:51 pm and weighed 8 lbs. 1 oz. He is healthy and beautiful.'s a picture:
When he came out, he looked exactly like his big sister did when she was born. Now, he's starting to look more like himself. He's growing like crazy and has round little cheeks and chubby thighs already. And he should be growing like crazy since he does nothing except eat. I am breastfeeding and supplementing with formula just to keep up with him. I tried so hard for him to be exclusively breastfed, but two cases of mastitis and a period of about a week where he wouldn't nurse left my supply inadequate despite my nearly Herculean efforts to get it up and keep it up. So, that is my excuse for not posting sooner! I have either been feeding, pumping or trying to pay some attention to my other three little ones.
Things really are great though. I couldn't imagine myself ever having four children, and now I couldn't imagine it any other way. There's lots I want to post about the past few weeks, so I will try to get on it soon. However, I've really got to finish thank you notes AND send out his birth announcements before I treat myself to blogging.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
There's really nothing to say...
37 weeks: 2 cm and 60%
38 weeks: 3 cm and 70%
39 weeks: 4 cm and 80%
Induction scheduled for Friday 6/1 at 7:30 a.m. if Baby H doesn't show up before. Which I'm sure he won't. I think he is quite happy where he is.
Next week, I should have some adorable pictures to post and maybe even something to say. Maybe.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
A Star is Born

Saturday, April 14, 2007
Brain Freeze
Otherwise, I am just trying to keep moving forward with enough momentum to propel me to the end of May or first of June when the little one makes his appearance. Then I should have plenty to post about. Breastfeeding alone (or attempts at it) will fill days and days of posts I am sure.